God is the ultimate creator. His masterpieces are beyond our comprehension. In his sweet gift, he has given us an ability to create. We seek to appreciate beauty and be helped by the chance to feel and express in a creative and constructive way.
God created music to help him fill the cracks of our soul. Listening to beautiful compositions, as well as having the chance to create music, is central to our music class.
Playing chess helps improve memory, spatial reasoning, and strategy. It helps students learn to work within a set of boundaries, and how to love their neighbor by showing good sportsmanship.
Wings and Talons
The first semester of Wings and Talons is Geography/world mission class. Students have hands-on opportunities to learn about different countries, cultures, God’s heart for the nations, and how God is currently working in these countries. The second semester students have the chance to get their hands dirty and serve locally. As a class, they teach stories in daycares, pack goody bags for various ministries, serve widows through yard cleanup and cleaning. They even have a chance to raise money for a need they see.
Students in grades 5-8 have the option to learn and compete in TCEA robot competitions. Roboteers learn engineering, mechanics, programming, and group cooperation.